Zebeth Media Solutions

Internet of Things

A bug in Abode’s home security system could let hackers remotely switch off cameras • ZebethMedia

A security vulnerability in Abode’s all-in-one home security system could allow malicious actors to remotely switch off customers’ security cameras. Abode’s Iota All-In-One Security Kit is a DIY home security system that includes a main security camera, motion sensors that can be attached to windows and doors, and a hub that can alert users of […]

US to launch ‘labeling’ rating program for internet-connected devices in 2023 • ZebethMedia

The Biden administration said it will launch a cybersecurity labeling program for consumer Internet of Things devices starting in 2023 in an effort to protect Americans from “significant national security risks.” It’s no secret that IoT devices generally have weak security postures. Weak default passwords have allowed botnet operators to hijack insecure routers to pummel […]

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