
Netflix undercuts Disney+ with launch of its $7/month ad-supported plan starting Nov. 3 • ZebethMedia

The moment has finally come. Today, Netflix hosted a press call to reveal a preview of its new ad-supported tier, “Basic with Ads,” which will launch on November 3 in nine countries, including the U.S., and cost $6.99 per month, $13 less than Netflix’s Premium plan. This aligns with reports that the new plan would […]

Netflix signs up with UK TV ratings agency BARB to reveal streaming viewership numbers • ZebethMedia

After years of being tight-lipped on viewership numbers, Netflix teamed up with British TV ratings agency Broadcasters Audience Research Board or BARB, an organization in the UK that reports broadcast and streaming numbers. Starting in November, the organization will measure Netflix’s daily streaming numbers as well as report on its monthly reach and share of […]

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