Zebeth Media Solutions

Advances in fit technology could minimize those onerous online returns • ZebethMedia

If you’ve watched even one episode of “Project Runway,” you’ve noted that clothing designers use a “fit model” as the basis for creating their garments. That same method is used by clothing brands all over the world.
However, everyone’s body shape is different, and very few of us are built like a fit model, so how the outfit looks on the person modeling the clothes online and how it fits an individual person can also be radically different.
Startups and big retailers have jumped in with technology to help brands better manage returns, but they’re also attempting to tackle the root cause — the fit itself.
However, Bessemer Venture Partners partner Kent Bennett said not enough attention is being focused on fit technology.
“This is an area that people are not covering as closely as they should be,” he told ZebethMedia. “It’s such a huge part of our lives, but one where I think the tech has gotten a little older and dusty, and I do think there’s potential for a revolution here.”

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