Zebeth Media Solutions


New York Post says its site was hacked after posting offensive tweets • ZebethMedia

New York Post, one of the biggest New York City daily newspapers, said it was hacked on Thursday after several offensive articles and tweets were published to the newspaper’s website and Twitter account. The articles and tweets, which were racist and sexually violent in nature, were pulled a short time later. ZebethMedia is not publishing […]

Hive ransomware gang leaks data stolen during Tata Power cyberattack • ZebethMedia

The Hive ransomware group has claimed responsibility for the recent cyberattack on Tata Power, a leading Indian energy company, and has started leaking stolen employee data. Tata Power, which serves more than 12 million customers through its distributors, confirmed on October 14 that it had been hit by a cyberattack that impacted some of its […]

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