Zebeth Media Solutions

real estate tech

3 investors explain how finance-focused proptech startups can survive the downturn • ZebethMedia

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, interest rates for mortgages dropped to historic lows. Predictably, home buyers made hay, taking full advantage of the favorable financial environment to pick up new homes and refinancing mortgages on their existing homes. Startups operating in the financial side of the real estate tech market suddenly faced […]

Opendoor lays off about 550 employees, or 18% of its workforce • ZebethMedia

Opendoor is letting go of about 550 people, or 18% of the company, across all functions, its co-founder and CEO Eric Wu announced in a blog post today. The real estate technology company is one of many real estate tech companies that have had to lay off workers in 2022. Online mortgage lender Better.com has […]

Clear Capital lays off 27% of its global staff • ZebethMedia

Clear Capital, a real estate valuation technology company and firm, is laying off 27% of its staff months after freezing mass hiring, ZebethMedia has learned from sources. A spokesperson for Clear Capital confirmed the layoffs to ZebethMedia but did not share the specific number of employees impacted. Last November, the company announced they had 1,400 […]

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