Zebeth Media Solutions


The lack of VC funding to women is a Western societal shortfall • ZebethMedia

The issue of women startup founders not receiving equitable venture funding is a shortfall of the West: It’s here, everywhere in the U.S., and over there, all throughout Europe. It’s hard to say that some of these metrics represent investors simply pulling back when data shows the bias has historical precedence. Even in 2008, all-women […]

The highs and lows of Q3 venture capital data for women startup founders • ZebethMedia

Perhaps unsurprisingly, <a href=” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>new PitchBook data found that U.S. companies with all female founders are raising less capital this year than the last amid current economic woes. Last year, women raised around 2.4% of all venture capital allocated, a figure that stands at 1.9% through Q3 of this year. That number becomes even […]

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