EC venture capital

The lack of VC funding to women is a Western societal shortfall • ZebethMedia

The issue of women startup founders not receiving equitable venture funding is a shortfall of the West: It’s here, everywhere in the U.S., and over there, all throughout Europe. It’s hard to say that some of these metrics represent investors simply pulling back when data shows the bias has historical precedence. Even in 2008, all-women […]

Where will it be deployed? • ZebethMedia

Jeremy Abelson Contributor Jeremy Abelson is the founder and lead portfolio manager of Irving Investors. Combining his experience as an operator and institutional investor, Abelson runs Irving as a multistrategy platform making long-term durable investments in both the public and private markets. More posts by this contributor What am I worth now? For the first […]

The seas are getting even rougher for Chinese startups • ZebethMedia

The third quarter was far from favorable for Chinese startups looking to raise money. Data shows that for upstart tech companies in the country, Q3 2022 was the worst time to raise venture capital since Q1 2020, with far less capital invested than either the rest of 2020 and 2021, or for most of 2018 […]

Why Q3’s median valuations actually make perfect sense • ZebethMedia

Valuations have been top of mind for the entire venture industry this year as many VCs try to navigate their overvalued portfolios and founders scramble to conserve cash and grow into their lofty valuations. So one might have predicted that valuations would fall off a cliff this year. But that hasn’t happened because venture investing […]

VCs continue to pour millions into independent beverage startups • ZebethMedia

After seeing a ton of venture capital investment flow into independent beverage startups recently, it was time to take a step back and see if this kind of company actually made sense as a venture investment. For one, the competition for space on grocery store shelves is fierce, eclipsed only by the fact people are […]

Black startup founders raised just $187 million in the third quarter • ZebethMedia

The amount of capital raised by Black entrepreneurs continues to decrease. The latest Crunchbase numbers show that Black founders raised $187 million in Q3, a staggering decline from the nearly $1.1 billion they received in Q3 2021 and a sizable drop from the $594 million the cohort raised in Q2. Black founders raised just 0.12% […]

Will alternative investments become a staple in all investors’ portfolios? • ZebethMedia

We no longer live in the era of the 60/40 portfolio, VC says A 60/40 investment portfolio, in which 60% is invested in stocks and 40% in bonds, was long considered classic. But that’s no longer the case, as many investors are now diversifying beyond publicly traded assets. Alternative investments, or alts, are a direct […]

Don’t let today’s software rally improve your mood • ZebethMedia

After a rough year in the public markets, you might take today’s brilliant trading as good news. Any positive price movement is a win, right? Kinda. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite index rose 3.4% today, while other major U.S. indices jumped smaller amounts in a hall-of-fame start to the trading week. (That the markets are turning […]

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