
Tatum is building a robot arm to help people with deafblindness communicate • ZebethMedia

Precise numbers on deafblindness are difficult to calculate. For that reason, figures tend to be all over the place. For the sake of writing an intro to this story, we’re going to cite this study from the World Federation of the DeafBlind that puts the number of severe cases at 0.2% globally and 0.8% of […]

Sight Tech Global 2022 agenda announced • ZebethMedia

The third annual Sight Tech Global conference, a virtual, free and highly accessible event on December 7 and 8 convenes some of the world’s top experts working on assistive tech, especially AI, for people who are blind or visually impaired. If you don’t follow this topic, maybe you should, because a lot of cutting-edge tech […]

Sight Tech Global 2022 announced • ZebethMedia

As we prepare for the third annual Sight Tech Global (December 7-8, free & virtual, register here), a technology event that tracks the advances in technology supporting people who live with blindness, two big shifts are front and center. First, new digital experiences, notably virtual reality, are testing known approaches to accessibility. There are no […]

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