Zebeth Media Solutions

cloud cost optimization

Where cloud management is going next • ZebethMedia

“There’s a big wave of innovation in managing cloud costs,” Team8 co-founder and managing partner Liran Grinberg told ZebethMedia as part of our latest cloud investor survey. Having noticed tailwinds for the wave of B2B startups that offer cloud cost-optimization solutions, and cloud management more broadly, we were curious to know where VCs thought the […]

Why startups are better off prioritizing growth instead of optimizing cloud costs • ZebethMedia

Everybody’s talking so much about cost optimization and extending runways that startups across the board are looking at every little expense as they seek ways to navigate the downturn. But some costs are better left untouched simply because the work involved may not be worth the payoff. According to several investors we surveyed recently, cloud […]

5 cloud investors illustrate the various paths ahead for startups • ZebethMedia

Cloud cost optimization startups have become ubiquitous, and they’ve found a friendly ear among enterprise clients looking to cut costs amid the downturn. But should younger startups similarly scrutinize their cloud spend? According to several cloud investors, startups should prioritize building over optimization — unless it’s going to save them a big chunk of money. […]

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